In our society we are bombarded constantly by advertising, especially us women ... it seems that without using a huge amount of cosmetics you can not survive. Lately I have greatly reduced the amount of cosmetics and products that I used (though in reality I was never a fashion victim ...) and I realized that 80% of the products I used are absolutely useless.
Here's my list of natural solutions for body care:
Face : use the creams of Hauschka, a German brand of high quality, using organic and biodynamic ingredients, not tested on animals, with a great Inci (see biodizionario ). They cost a bit ', but still much less than the big brands (example: a face cream costs about 20-25 €, € 9 on a shower gel). At least it pays really the quality, not advertising or brand.
Bath / shower : as above, Hauschka (excellent shower cream with lemon) or the milk of Weleda Rosemary , another good brand. In particular, this milk rosemary has a wonderful aroma and is excellent as an energizing morning ... would be to mix with the bath, but I do not have to use the tank directly under the shower in the morning and gives me a great boost of energy (being natural and not chemical, it could also be used directly on the skin, such as perfume) .
then I must say that I have found that the foaming shower gel strongly that we usually do not really need much ... underestimate the power of simple water washing, coupled perhaps with a past the glove of horsehair, which takes away the dead skin cells.
Hair Removal: I have always used the cream depilatory, but lately (after trying to self-produce the wax of sugar and lemon - with results frustrantissimi) I am convinced that the use of simple razor and dry cleaning, as well as being very practical, is more environmentally friendly (it is true that the disposable razor, but is used several times before throwing it, and it is recyclable, being made of plastic and metal (it's all in the bin of plastic), while the cream is pure chemistry, and in addition to being very bad for your skin polluter more ...
Moisturizing Body: I \u200b\u200bleft the cream, since I tried the sweet almond oil: Moisturizing is the best of all, does not contain chemical costs less than creams and lasts longer. In addition, eco-labels can be easily found, not tested on animals, this type . Always make sure that it is cold pressed and completely plant.
Cellulite : here again, I used the gel for a long time before discovering that the only thing that really works are the mud packs, also homemade.
Cotton swabs : Instead of using disposable ones, try to take the long wooden sticks (the ones on the skewers, for instance) and break them in half, then on the end to wrap a piece of Cotton: after it is used, you can only throw the cotton, reusing the stick.
For the rest I'm still experimenting ...
And you? What are your solutions for eco-natural body care?
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