Last Sunday I made this beautiful stuffed meatloaf. In addition to looking good I must say, because everyone at the table if they are fighting and almost none have been the crumbs ...
What you need:
1 kg of ground mixed (beef, pork, chicken) 180 gr. of sliced \u200b\u200bham 4 eggs (for dough) 3 eggs (with whom I made pancakes for the filling 3) smoked cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bgreen olives
salt pepper parmesan
nutmeg oil
For the sauce garnish: 1 liter of broth (nut) of vegetables 2 carrots 1 onion
a sprig of fresh rosemary sage
a stalk of celery ½ cup white wine
flour (half a tablespoon) oil
I cleared the table with his hands on the ground and I added the other ingredients: bread soaked in milk, 4 eggs, salt, pepper, Parmesan rain, some grated nutmeg and a tour of EVO oil. I started to mix with your hands and then I ended up with the planet, to have a more homogeneous mixture.
I cleared back the dough on a floured cloth, put some stretched on the table, and I have provided above, in layers, in order: the three pancakes (made with one egg each), the ham, slices of smoked cheese and green olives cut into small pieces.
I then wrapped the dough tightly in the floured cloth, rolling. I then covered with aluminum foil and baked at 180 degrees for one hour (depending on your oven, mine is a little 'dull "and cooking I extended a little). After an hour of baking, I removed the foil from the meat loaf, I turned and I wet with plenty of oil around, finish cooking for another twenty minutes.
NOTE: it is best prepared the night before because, cold, cut it a lot better without breaking crumble.
Being a cook until almost dry I made the sauce separately to outline in this way: I put a stock cube (vegetable) in a liter of water and I let it dissolve in it. Meanwhile I prepared a mixture with the remaining ingredients and put it in a nonstick pan with a couple of laps EVO oil and white wine. I added a couple of ladles of broth and I sent in cooking, a very low flame for about an hour. When the broth has reduced to little more than a third have taken from the fire and put in a bowl of service.