Fresh ... fresh ... fast .... which is good
This sorbet turns to blogs for a while.
The recipe is from David Lebovitz and I've made small changes.
And do not say ... I do not have the ice cream maker ... I have no time ... this little pleasure gets even without the ice cream and with very little time available.
chocolate sorbet
555 ml water 200 g sugar 75 g cocoa powder
70 g dark chocolate 50%
pieces 1 teaspoon vanilla extract In a large pot
beat vigorously with the whisk 375 ml of water with the cocoa and sugar and boil well for 2 minutes.
Melt the chocolate and vanilla ice cream with the remaining water (180ml) for 3 minutes.
get cold and put in ice cream maker or freezer for 1 hour, then remove and scrape and put in freezer for another 1 hour.
When it is ready to put in a blender and blend for 1-2 minutes. Serve immediately
Hello Barbara